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6970 beta-1 command base

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Comment by Resident Curator on March 26, 2014 at 9:20pm

Curator’s Comments:


It appears as though you’ve turned a fairly sharp artistic and expressive corner when I compare your cubistic landscapes with these more recent abstract paintings.  I especially like the freedom of the open space and the graffiti-like gestural ruminations in these latest works. Beta 1 Command Base is quite poignant; deceptively simple in the pastel playfulness of the trucks, while suggesting adult war games and military maneuvers.  Perhaps vestiges of your Israeli-Arab village painting resonate in this later piece by intimating the testing of prescribed borders.  But the dividing lines in this painting are not hard fast- the only fully enclosed space being the open blue building structure.  Are those satellite discs on the roof? The absurdity of technology reduced to cartoon strikes me as vaguely subversive, in the convention of Guston or Basquiat.  The numbers and dotted lines are also indicators of an orchestrated plan.  I see Chai as even more open and ambiguous, giving way to a fully non-objective articulated composition.  Purely formal relationships between tectonic and vaguely figural shapes are expertly explored within a tinted primary color palette. The small red dashes highlight individual numbers and lines, creating a hierarchical sensation. It’s as if the viewer is offered glimmers into an esoteric or secret code. I find the vacillation and inevitable visual tension between symbolic or metaphoric imagery and purely gestural mark making intriguing.

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