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The piece of work "Chessboard of Good and Evil" is 70x90 cm and is painted on canvas. The artist wanted to showcase a person’s potential which can be overshadowed or diminished by their fear and suffering.
Olivia Boa is also a therapist apart from her work as a painter, and she welcomes, in her Fribourg office, as many people seeking personal development as people suffering from both physical and mental issues.
When she sees a person, she always perceives their potential first, their inner beauty and qualities. Then, sometimes all this great potential is held back by fear and suffering... which come altering the person’s primary qualities. Her job is to raise awareness of the potential she sees in the patient and to show them how these fears come disfigure and blur, and even blind the person’s vision.

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Comment by Resident Curator on June 6, 2014 at 10:57am

Curator’s Comments:


Chessboard of Good and Evil has an anxious rhythm, and so it was fitting to read the accompanying statement about the insight of fear overriding individual potential.  Likewise, most of these paintings appear to be process oriented, and offer a kind of catharsis in their repetition of disrupted or agitated pattern. The edgy knife work forms a grid that dissolves as soon as it is built up, challenging boundaries and unifying color systems.  I must admit I prefer this piece because of the small bits of muddy color that arise from the layering.  The pieces that contain more pure primary and secondary hues seem more calculated by comparison, or engineered in such a way that they don’t appear spontaneously constructed.   I also quite enjoy viewing Game Rules for its similarly contrasting value pattern and dissolution of the margins and implied borders. The concentration of intense blue in the center of the piece suggests an emergence of form or light.

Comment by Michael J Weatherly on September 18, 2012 at 5:58pm

Hi Olivia,

I really like this piece!



Comment by Olivia Boa on July 29, 2012 at 12:24pm

Hi Dego!

Thanks for your comment! It's really interesting to hear you :-).

Comment by Detlef Gotzens "Dego" on July 28, 2012 at 12:42pm

Hi Olivia, I like this work as one of your best because in this piece you starting to resolve the rigid structural squares that you are using and also your choice of color is more free and interesting leading to a greater fluidity as well as abstraction.


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