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Comment by Resident Curator on November 20, 2023 at 11:28am

Curator’s Comments:

Thank you for sharing this new piece to the site.  Lost in my own garden strikes a somewhat melancholy chord, as the dreamy downcast expression of the figure seems lost in thought as well as overwhelmed by interior patterns that contrast the world outside her window.  While the orange-blue color palette is generally warm and complementary, the low-key values throughout the painting dim the space. The idea of the garden ultimately seems to be an internal metaphor, with the fruit of her labors close to her heart, and likely unattainable outside.  The piece is cataloged within a portfolio titled “the apple’s soul” which also conjures allegorical representation. As with all of your works on the site, I admire and have come to recognize the manner in which your paintings vacillate between decorative and atmospheric space, and provide figural narratives which touch upon the universal.  Thank you for continuing to share your work with us.


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