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Comment by Resident Curator on January 9, 2013 at 4:56pm

Curator’s Comment:


I really enjoy the drawings you posted today, and find it interesting to see your broad range of styles and handling of divergent subjects, and ideas in as many pieces.  The gestural marks and illustrative descriptions of figurative forms bridge classical rendering with more fantastical and romantic embellishment, such as Vishvakarma, and Exaltation of the Artists.  I like how the thin hatched lines remain visually open and yet provide value density, as if the subject is forming in the making. But I’m most attracted to, and inspired by the piece entitled Pulling Down a Great Idea.  It’s a humorous work, no doubt, in its literalness and suggestion that minuscule figures can harness such a power with tenuous restraint.  The glowing amorphous entity is especially luminous and enticing in the grayed down field, and yet lacks the specificity in the more normal figure-ground picture.  Perhaps like great inspiration it can’t become too explicit until it is claimed and distilled.  While the scale isn’t indicated on the piece, I imagine it as a small unassuming work, as if a profound but simple secret is being revealed for those who care to look.


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