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I am an artist, designer and illustrator. Obsessed with composition, texture, graphics and pattern, my favorite media include ink, acrylic and digital collage. My work often manifests itself as organic, biomorphic and unconscious creations. Inspired by the rejuvenating creative process, I am currently exploring the effects of the unconscious upon internal emotions and how they morph into physical pieces.

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Comment by Andy York on November 29, 2014 at 9:56pm
Resident Curator. Thank you for the kind words. They are much appreciated.
Comment by Resident Curator on November 29, 2014 at 7:57pm

Curator’s Comments: 


One feels compelled to take a closer look at a thumb nail titled With A Gun And A Pack of Sandwiches.  The humorous title seems to be of the vein of the ‘whole enchilada’, and certainly does deliver with elaborate organic abstraction and graphic impact. The piece has an interesting central focal point; almost functioning as a compositional vortex from which linear elements emerge or are drawn. Darker areas on the left side and far corners of the picture plane dexterously move the eye beyond this central pull, but there also isn’t a clear figure-ground relationship, or defined foreground/background. The enveloping curvilinear forms are articulated and twisted in a way so that the planes of the petal like shapes fold into themselves.  I find it engaging that the closely hatched and dotted lines hold an element of time in their association with mark marking, further slowing down the visual movement.  Looking back at your portfolio I realize I had commented on another one of your drawings some time ago.  While I can certainly see stylistic associations, this image actually has a very different feel with the absence of color and geometric compartmentalization.  It appears much more process oriented by comparison, as if you didn’t know exactly where you’d end up when you began.

Comment by Eric Beavers on January 18, 2012 at 3:36pm

A great variety of texture and contrast!  And the shapes are constantly interacting with each other.  This is a very interesting type of artwork.

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