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Feast Your Eyes: The Art of Food

Event Details

Feast Your Eyes: The Art of Food

Time: June 16, 2014 at 12am to August 15, 2014 at 12pm
Location: Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Street: P.O. Box 99, 13480 Dowell Road
City/Town: Dowell (Solomons), MD 20629
Website or Map:
Phone: 410-326-4640
Event Type: artdeadline, ad.c-sample-ops
Organized By: Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Latest Activity: Jul 10, 2014

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Event Description

National Deadline: August 15, 2014 - Highly regarded Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, in association with the Smithsonian Institution, announces a call for artists for "Feast Your Eyes: The Art of Food", a national juried exhibition on display October 17, 2014 - January 4, 2015, at the spacious Main Gallery of Annmarie’s award-winning Murray Arts Building.

Open to all media; small to large scale installations; indoor & outdoor works; cash awards.

Ever since prehistoric artists created spectacular hunting scenes on the walls of caves, cuisine and culture have met in art. We have an undeniable sensory connection to food - we love its taste, form, color, texture, aroma and sound (think sizzling bacon or pouring coffee). And we love to explore its many cultural differences. Food can be more than sustenance; food can be a passion, an entertaining and delicious escape, a comfort, or an obsession. Food is vital to our lives and is certainly at the heart of every celebration. Food is the subject of endless books, news reports, scientific studies, social media posts, and conversations. We are deeply interested in its sustainability, production, processing, distribution, scarcity, quantity, quality, composition, and price. This show invites artists to explore these and other food-related issues, from the profound to the ridiculous. The goal is to create a rich and varied exhibit that honors the complexity of our relationship with food. All media welcome; small to large-scale installations; new media encouraged; indoor and outdoor works accepted; cash awards.

All media types are welcome; small to large scale; indoors and outdoors. The exhibition is open to artists age 18 and older working in the U.S.

Annmarie will present cash awards to outstanding work.

The exhibit will be installed in the spacious Main Gallery of Annmarie’s award-winning Murray Arts Building. With over 4000 sq ft of exhibition space, moveable walls, high ceilings, tile floors, an Arakawa hanging system, Internet access, and electric outlets located in the walls, floor and ceiling, the Main Gallery can accommodate all sizes and types of installations. As Annmarie includes a thirty acre sculpture garden, a few outdoor works will also be included in the exhibit.

The exhibit will be juried by a 1-2 member panel.

Artists must submit a $25 non-refundable entry fee ($20 for Annmarie members) for up to 4 entries.

Should a sale resulting from the exhibition occur, Annmarie will retain a 40% commission of the listed sale price.

Read complete Prospectus [.pdf]

Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center:
An affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, Annmarie is a thirty-acre sculpture garden and arts center located in scenic Solomons, Maryland, on the Chesapeake Bay. The sculpture garden features a walking path that meanders through the forest, past permanent and loaned sculpture, including more than forty works on loan from the Smithsonian Institution and the National Gallery of Art. Artists in the collection include: George Rickey, Jean Arp, Barbara Hepworth, Cesar, Robert Engman, Jules Olitski, Kenneth Snelson, Menashe Kadishman, and Francisco Zuniga.

Read Complete Prospectus.

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