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The Artraker Award 2014

Event Details

The Artraker Award 2014

Time: April 16, 2014 at 12am to May 15, 2014 at 12pm
Location: Artraker
City/Town: London, U.K.
Website or Map:
Event Type: artdeadline, ad.c-sample-ops
Organized By: Artraker
Latest Activity: May 14, 2014

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Event Description

International Deadline: May 15, 2014 - The Artraker Annual Award is for contemporary artists / organisations that make a direct positive change in countries that have experienced social upheaval and violent conflict. Artraker is interested in the significance of the artists’ contribution to change and the co-creation of experiences of freedom in the midst of conflict.

Artraker welcomes submissions from artists of all nationalities, from any country and at any stage of their careers.

Entrants do not have to live or work in the country, conflict zone or region that submissions may be addressing:

  • Submissions should be from the area of visual arts practice (ceramics, drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, design, crafts, photography, video, filmmaking, architecture, performing arts, conceptual art, textile arts, artistic interventions)
  • Submissions in the following will not be accepted: dance, theatre or drama, poetry, music, research writing or literary works

Artraker will offer three Award Funds of £2,500 (per Award) for completed work or work that can be further developed. The award winners and 9 shortlisted artists/organisations will be invited to join the Artraker network (“the Artrakers”). The Artrakers’ works will be shown at exhibitions in London and Paris. The award winners will be announced in the run up to International Peace Day, 21 September 2014.

Submissions will be considered in relation to three award categories.

  1. The Artraker Award
    Submissions that display a range of qualities; originality, impact, exceptionality and engagement, within their explored conflict subject area.
  2. Artraker Award for Social Impact
    Submissions that create change in a conflict- or violence-affected area; that engender hope, change and peace, healing, remembrance, or diffuse situations of violence; or submissions from artists/organisations from war-affected countries, whose work, over time generate deep and long-lasting positive change.
  3. Artraker Award for Innovation
    Submissions that reveal a different understanding or perspective on conflict, violence, and peace; submissions that use experimental methodologies (such as subversion, satire or intervention) to affect perceptions or understanding. The winner of the Innovation category will have his/her/their work included in the a/political collection.

Entries are judged by an international panel of experts from disciplines of arts, conflict, culture, politics and peace. They look for experimentation and engagement, audacity, change and capacity to inspire.

Submissions from all countries are free except for OECD countries, whereas an administration fee of £10.00 will be charged for submissions.

Please find the application guidelines and apply online.

Artraker was launched as an initiative in 2012 and established as a Community Interest Company (CIC) in 2013. It supports exceptional visual arts projects that shape how people and organisations understand, engage and respond to violent conflict and situations of violence.

Artraker is the brainchild of political artist, Manali Jagtap-Nyheim and a group of visionary peace-building, academic, and creative organisations.

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