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Who I am:
Katharine (Kat) Gilbert- old enough to have processed certain information that I don't have to process again and young enough to continue to challenge myself with hopefully enough time to do the things I wish to accomplish. I am a seeker for I am continually looking for that which inspires not only me but others to look. I have exhibited up and down the east coast and recently on the west coast.

What Else Besides Art:
Born and raised in the country, there has always been a reverence for nature for that is what fed and clothed the family. All the adults were gardeners and growers of flowers and the food that ended up on the table so that has translated as one of my passions and I have added bonsai to the mix though time seems to be at a premium to do this correctly for the focus is as demanding as it is when I do my art.
I also love architecture so I have taught myself architectural drawing and construction principles that add a few coins to the budget. (Built my home and greenhouse with the help of many great friends.) With this I do material take-offs for building and try to stay up-to-date on the materials especially the "green." I wish for more time in the day for there are so many things that I love doing and there is never enough time so juggling has become part of my pattern of living. Art is the main focus now and I believe that all my passions are tied to my art and one feeds and leads to the next.

How Art Became The Focus:
My family was and still is a family of farmers and musicians but my path was always slightly different. My first business was drawing pictures in 1st grade and selling them for a penny until my mother found out and made me give the money back. There were no art classes in elementary or high school so my inspiration and drive to learn came from any tiny source I could locate. So when I went to college I dove in it with all that I could find and fit into my schedule. Four years and then two years for Masters opened many doors for me and my passion. I have taught in 2 colleges but I didn't like teaching, worked as a designer for Kings Production and a designer for cultural center in Saudi Arabia with various other occupations thrown into the mix. I started a graphic design business that did two and three dimensional design which grew through the years and kept me connected to the creative world of design with a touch of the fine arts. That is where I learned computers and the programs that are my main stay for my prints today. I still do graphic design but on a very limited bases. With these programs my visions of so many years ago are now coming to reality for all the processes that I have worked in the past could not come close to that vision. My sculpture is the only process that has not changed- I still do steel welding and for this I have no other substitute- it is what it is. I do not wish for this to be anything else for it completes the 3-dimensional part of my art.

My Statement:
Somewhere between light, shadows and dreaming the images happen without verbal thought. Tied to past knowledge and memories, the landscapes are where my visual thoughts have freedom to roam. When I work on these images, whether sculptural or two dimensional, there are no sounds only the presence of moving through the space being created. For me, it is a world filled with mystery and magic and I love being there. I am my work and my work is about me.

Is in the eye of the beholder. Some are abstract and some representational. I know where the imagery comes from that led to the piece and all are from nature. I have always love cameras though I do not claim to be a photographer; they have been a constant in my life and art and are a record of the inspiration for my work.

to continue to be creative and explore all the possibilities that I can... I am older than probably most of the members so my goals are at a different point in my life. Most of all I am working towards never having to say "I wish I had......."

Other Sites To Which I Am Connected:
(some of which I need to update- there is that "time" factor again)

Challenges To Myself (with a sense of humor):
Focus, focus, focus
Don't get discouraged- just doing is the major goal
Explore the art of sound and movement
Find a way to accomplish all that wish to accomplish
To share through my art
Stay connected
Stay informed
Stay creative
Stay alive long enough to see the results

My Question:
Art supplies are not cheap. No matter what the media there are major cost involved. In a world that doesn't really realize how much of their world is art/design based, take it all away and there will be little if any visual beauty produced by man. Nature would be the only one left and I am not sure how many stop to admire that art. Do you think the general population would notice? Do you think most people think art for the home is not worth the price or not as important as art for public buildings, museums, etc.?

Thank You:
I know how valuable time is for us all and I wish to thank everyone now who is reading this and if you wish to respond that would be much appreciated. I always have worked hard to maintain a sense of humor even in my work for that helps me keep a balance for living.

I have no new work completed at this time so please go to my page to see my work. I would love any and all comments/reactions. Thank you again and I look forward to this special forum of communication. I cannot thank the people enough who started a2a for here I have found wonderful friends and wonderful conversation that I treasure each time I log on to this site.

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Thanks to all who viewed and responded. I enjoyed the observations and insights and I look forward to the continued sharing.


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