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For those who want help, need advice or just need some extra exposure!
*If you signed up to be a FEATURED ARTIST just know that it is VERY different from being the FEATURED KNOWLEDGE ARTIST!
*This whole Feature is about You and your Art, specifically where you need help to take it to the next level!
*The previous Featured Artist who have had the most success are those who have used a simple easy to follow format to read (ex. Question/Answer). They have also used the information they have gained from being a featured artist on other networking sources (mostly the replies-questions you do not think need to be answered but after answering it you realized that it would be good information to have alongside the rest of your Art Info.)
Here are just some of the questions previous artist have used. They may or may not apply to you, your art, or the type of article you want to write up. You also may not be able to answer the questions because that is what you need help answering! Feel free to add anything that you think will add to the experience for you and for your fellow artist. Be sure to attach some files of your recent art and include at the bottom any links to any of your WebPages. Most of all have FUN!

Background on the Artist….
•Where are you based?
•How you got started with art-if it was just a love of art, accident, natural talent, etc.? or
•Childhood background if relevant is okay, mostly we want to know when you got into art and how you got into it …
•What type of Artist are you?
•What form of art do you mostly create?
•What medium do you use? (ex.What type of paint, clay, materials?)
•What made you choose that medium?
•Do your ideas come from life or imagination? or
•What do you find the most to be most useful in creating your art?
•How do you choose your images and colors?
•Who are your favorite artists? Have they influenced your artistic style? If so, how?

About your Art…
Do you have any society issues, art views, anything that motivates most of your art?
Do you have a favorite inspirational quote that you try to express through your art?
Is art your full time/part time/hobby? -(Are you in a position to work on it full time or are you only able to work on it part time?)
How long have you been working as an “artist” to get your art to where it is today?
Where are you with your Art today?
Where are you with your art (art/sitting, art/promoting, art/not-selling, art/selling)?

What are your short term or/and long-term want goals with your art?

What is your favorite piece of work by yourself?

Anything interesting we should know about you or your art.

How much time (on average) does it take to complete a work?
If you are selling your work how much is it going for?
How do you determine the price of your art?
What/who is your demographic?
Have you accomplished something with your art that is a stepping stone or that some would consider something they are trying to work towards (ex Have you been published?, Do you have any awards?...etc)
How are you promoting your art, and what type of demographic is buying it?
Do you want/need advice with specific things or a helping hand?
Remember -This is where you share as little or as much as you want and you get to ask the questions of why.
Please just use these questions as a jumping off point. Just remember you will get better feedback if give as much info as possible!

Congradulations, you know something and you are willing to share your knowledge to help others get to the next level! Doing a FEATURED KNOWLEDGE ARTIST article does not mean you need to exsplain rocket science. Everyone here including FEATURED KNOWLEDE ARTIST, are on a different level. When you strip it down to the bare basics everyone knows something about art. Different brushes , different canvases , different paints , mixed materials in with painting , clay and I know that despite what I thought when I was three and took me years to realize was not true, I did not invent the color pink .
As a the FEATURED KNOWLEDGE ARTIST you shpould expect members to email you questions about what choose to write about.
This is supposed to be an article that is written about something/anything, my discovery of the color pink! Anyone who belongs to this group is in it for the same reason. Figuring out how to take that next step , Looking for something ... perhaps a new idea ...something to move them past where they are . No one is an any position to say I already knew that, there is no such thing as waste of time on basics ! Remember you can write about anything...newbie info, advanced info or just info from your perspective since you may have a unique background we do not know about!

There has been some very successful FEATURED KNOWELDGE ARTIST articles . The easier and clearier it is to read them, the better the response. Many have used a question/answer format as if being interview . Whatever you think works best for you and featuring your knowledge you should do. The following is a list of questions previous FEATURED KNOWLEDGE ARTIST have used. This format is similar to the one used as a FEATURED ARTIST but ONLY the 1st part.

Instead of rewriting the questions for about the artist just scroll up and check out the ones under Featured Artist! may also want to add any other fun facts about you or your art that are relevant to knowledge your giving!

Featured Knowledge…
Now, this is all you! This is where you have the opportunity to share tid bits of information that others might not know or don't. You may be at the top of the ladder and talk about a lot of things or one specific thing. You may be in the middle of the ladder and feel comfortable only talking about something more simple, bake to basics type stuff. You are not expected to write some article that will clear everything up for everyone and make us all the next big artist. Although if you do, I will bake some cookies for you! Remember you are not writing for the artist who knows everything! If you can help just one person with your knowledge then it is a success! Like I said before, you can focus on one thing in particular and stick with during you’re the whole time or you can switch it up and type up something for each day, week, etc.(ex .Like Marty did…). Do whatever you think is going to be the easiest and funnest way to share your information and be able to talk about it! There are many different ways to approach this: you can write out facts, advice, how to, etc.” Don't be intimated and have fun! Don’t judge yourself on what others have done.
We are all in different levels on the ladder! The most successful FEATURED KNOWLEDGE ARTIST articles involve you communicating regularly with other members asking questions and writing up something! I once thought that asking people what they want to talk about might be a good idea but it does not work. You need to give something for people to think and talk about.

To Post your FEATURE article.
Be sure to paste as Featured Artist.:
1. Go to the group "Take It To The Next Level"
2. Scroll down to Discussion Forum below the Group Page
3. Click on Start Discussion

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