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Hi everyone! I'm Leisa, and I'm this week's featured Knowledge Artist. I have had some server problems ths week, so Sloane thought I had joined the Witness Protection Program. I'm here, though, and interested to know what you'd like to discuss! Though I work in multiple media, I focus mostly on acrylic and water-based paintings. I also specialize in large-scale works such as murals and scenic design for theatre. My website is: and I have posted some recent work (including public art) on our Live Chat site. I'll post some examples here, too!

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Leisa, I am interested in what people do to send out their art. Where do you get your packaging materials? Are there any web sites that you like to use? Have you figured out a system that works for you?
Fortunately, Susan, I have not had to mail a lot of art. The galleries I'm in are mostly within driving distance.
Walls and theatres are firmly anchored, too. When I shipped a painting to my sister in California, I found it was least expensive to roll the canvas, put it in a tube, and mail it that way. The downside is that she had to have it re-stretched on the other end, but it was a large painting and would have cost hundreds of dollars to ship. Perhaps some of my colleagues who do a lot of shipping would like to comment? I apologize for not being able to answer your question thoroughly. I'm hoping to expand enough over the next year or two to really need shipping options! I'll try to find some feedback from galleries and fellow artists who have to ship all the time.
Somehow I'm unable to edit my comments, so one suggestion I have is They have articles and suggestions for shipping art as well as a list of vendors.
I remember there is one member who really knows about mailing art and I will try to go back and see if I can figure out who it is!
Do you have any experience with oil? What made you choose to work in Acrylic based paint? I am really glad you mentioned painting murals because in the furture I would like to do to that in one of my homes. I am just guessing here but with all my work with oil paint, I would assume that Acrylic is the only type of paint to use when painting on walls or whatnot. Exactly how does Acrylic work as compared to Oil paint? Also what do you have todo to prime the surface for Acrylic paint? Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciate!


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