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Between photographing my art and enjoying taking artistic photographs I constantly wonder if I need to get a new camera and if so what to get.  My friends who do photography for a living tell me my camera is great for what I want to do but then I will see someone else's pictures and it will leave me asking, "What kind of camera do you use?" 


I have also purchased, gotten nervous and returned several "photo" printers, now I know I didn't want one of the ones I had purchased but through all my reasearch I am still having a hard time figuring out what I do want?  I am not prepared to spend a thousand dollars on either item since I seem to dabble in everything at the moment and don't see it as a important investment.  I would like a great camera and I would like a printer that I could print fantastic larger (such as 11 by 17) pictures. What would you suggest?



I would love everyone's input on this!



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Hi Sloane,
I feel your pain. There are so many choices out there, I don't know how anybody can make up their mind. And there are as many opinons out there as their are models.

I'm partial to anything Canon, but that's what I've always used, so I'm biased. Nikon is just as good. You don't really discuss what it is you want to do with your camera, but a good rule of thumb is to buy the most pixels you can afford. I suggest that you look into the Canon Rebel. While not as easy to use as their higher priced cameras, the quality is excellent. And it's a camera that can grow with you because it will take most all of the Canon lenses which is where you really want to put your money no matter what camera you use. I would also suggest that any camera you purchase be able to shoot RAW. RAW will maximize the information captured in the image and will give you the freedom to process the image as your creativity demands.

As for printers, there is anything but Epson? Seriously, you will also get as many opinons about printers as there are models too. I have three of them including a 24" Epson and love them all. Again it's what you can afford, but you will need one of their wide format printers that will print 13x19 single sheets to get your 11 x 17 prints. Also look at their refurbished printers. Sometimes you can find a great deal there. Get ready for the cost of ink shock, though. It depends on how much you print, but it can get very expensive. I print a LOT so I use a continuous ink supply system which cuts my costs almost 70%. Again it depends on how much you print if you want to spend another $400 or so. And when you get your printer, look at for your supplies. Best prices bar none.

Hope that helps. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Bruce Haley
"I present nature, not as the lens captures it, but as I see, feel and experience it."
I have the digital Rebel and love it. I use it for reference photos and documenting my work and have been happy all around. Good Luck!


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