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oil on canvas

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Comment by Resident Curator on June 24, 2013 at 8:52am

Curator’s Comment:


All Day and All the Night is a wonderfully clear image, setting up a quiet, simple city scape with strong linear elements. I find the implications of the power lines multifarious, creating a dominant visual focus that lends itself to feelings of stoic protection, or vague foreboding.  The illuminated horizon confines the bright twinkling lights to a thin line, opening into a significant expanse of empty space on both the top and bottom of the picture plane. I’m not sure where I’m supposed to ‘stand’ as the viewer in this space, causing both a slight sense of uneasiness, and supreme detachment.  It could just as easily be read as an embellished color field painting, with the dominant blocks of saturated ultramarine and darker brown constructing a perfect axis mundi. I’m curious about the scale of this painting- if comparable to your other more industrially based landscapes viewed in the installation shots, this piece may also evoke the impression of a window on human scale.  Of the architectural works I’m most attracted to No Two Lives are the Same. It has an interesting viable tension, as the mundane structures seem to reveal the banality of industry and faint human/organic decay. The relegated isolation of small bits of nature are spot on superfluities- the necessary and banal accouterments of planned living.

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