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Gouache on canvas

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Comment by Resident Curator on July 3, 2012 at 5:09pm

Curator’s Comment:


The Other Half of Me is an exuberant, decorative painting that appears contemporary but also alludes to other time periods or folk traditions.  Its charm is further marked by the patchwork of textural embellishment, and stylization of figurative human and animal forms.  I like that the human head(s) are omitted from our view, as the shapes are able to melt into the quilted ground.  The saturated green central pattern and brilliant orange colors provide sensual depth. The gold pigment and swirling spirals are reminiscent of Gustav Klimt- this influence also seems strongly evident in your pieces entitled Tracy, and Asheghaneh (Making Love).  I find the relieved symmetry of this composition to be quite enjoyable, as it provides a reassuring human balance to the swirling compliments.  While this play between flat space and plastic form is repeated in your pieces with simplified portraits, I get a little hung up on the strength of the lips as focal points of communication.  Shoorideh (troubled?) maintains anonymity by the lowered head of the figure.  But the gesture doesn’t underscore or escape emotion as mood is enhanced by the universality of the pose, and the overlapping, compressed limbs.  Ultimately I find the blissful harmony in these works comes from a synthesis of tribal design and naïve/folk pattern with Viennese Symbolism, to Art Nouveau, etc., culminating into a highly personal and  expressive vision.

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