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Crazy Horse

Hand Crafted From Crazy Lace Agate Slab, Bone, Shell, Porcelain and Sterling Silver.

“Ho-Ka hey! It is a good day to die! Strong hearts, brave hearts, to the front!
Weak hearts and cowards to the rear.”
Crazy Horse
June 25, 1876

“I could whip all the Indians on the continent with the Seventh Calvary”
George Armstrong Custer
June 25, 1876

In 1865, Crazy Horse was about 24 years old. He was slightly below medium height and remained rather thin weighing only about 140 pounds. His color was of a lighter complexion than his comrades. His hair was light & long, hanging below his waist when combed out; though he almost always wore it in braids. His superstitions hardened into habits early on in Crazy Horse’s life. Before battle he always threw a handful of dust over himself & his pony, he never wore anything more than a breechcloth & leggings. Aside from a single hawk feather in his hair, his ever-present small stone behind his ear & another stone from Chips, a medicine man, under his left arm. He never boasted about his accomplishments and refused to participate in the wild, emotional mourning scenes when a loved one died. Nor would he smoke the pipe if the tobacco was packed down in the bowl with a stick, as was the custom. Unless the tobacco was pressed down with the thumb by all smokers quaffing the pipe, Crazy Horse would not touch it. Most of his imperfections were overlooked however as he was the youngest of the newly-appointed “shirt-wearers.”

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