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Indian Nick

Flawless Antique Native American Hoe, Bone Feather, Tiger’s Eye eyes a Red Jasper nose and a Shell mouth with A Bone Joint and Garnet Cherry

This piece was created to honor a god friend of mine, Nick Brewer. It is part of a dual set, including Indian Harold. They both respectively refer to Nick Brewer and his father Harold Brewer. During his life-time Harold Brewer unearthed some truly remarkable Southern Illinois Native American artifacts. So much so in fact that he wrote a locally published book on the subject chronicling where he found each piece with his one horse plow. When Harold passed away Nick made sure that his father’s impressive collection was appropriately safe-guarded. Nick has subsequently donated numerous pieces to me. And I wanted to create these masks not only to thank Nick for the pieces, but also Harold for preserving our natural heritage and culture.

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