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Comment by Resident Curator on August 18, 2015 at 9:31am

Curator’s Comments:   


This (assumingly untitled) bird in a landscape succeeds in combining your fluid abstraction with representational imagery, creating a space that is both descriptive and surreal. I appreciate the manner in which the large crane hovers just above the grass line- suspending the dark and detailed visual weight in the composition.  Rich in cool tonal variation, his white neck also has a strong sculptural quality against the comparatively flat sky.  Formally, I see the leaves of the plants at the bottom as echoing the striations in the feathers, through shape and repetition.  The textural inclusions of text and collaged bits of paper also draw the eye away from the center focus, and further balance the space.  I don’t know that the collaged/superimposed additions are intended to add a narrative or content to the piece; the painting appears to simply display the beauty and awe of the natural environment, and wonder of flight.

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