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16"X20" acrylic on canvas

Views: 81


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Comment by Resident Curator on July 25, 2011 at 1:01pm

Curator’s Comment:


I usually benefit from looking at all of the works an artist posts on the site before making a comment on a single piece, so I can contextualize any remarks.  In doing so it’s difficult to see a conceptual or formal link between Dutch Masturbation and your other works, other than a wry sense of humor.  This piece is beautifully ironic when considering the title- it certainly does capture the almost fetishistic attention to detail prevalent in 17th century Dutch vanita still life.  The dark reflections and shadow on the ripe fruit and ample brown toned negative space employ a time-honored, formal handling of light.  The succulence of the peaches and reflections on the perfect globes of grapes romanticize light in the golden hour- or era.  There even seems to be a modeling of the glazed surfaces denoting the patina of time and aging on the paintings face. 

Falsely Accused seems to be the only other piece in your online collection that boasts a similar approach to detailed chiaroscuro and form.  While the subject of fruit is a common theme, the context and content of Accused moves far beyond skilled reverence and historical appropriation.

Comment by Bob Batchelor on June 5, 2009 at 6:26pm
Hi Paula, thanks for the compliment which I return as an admirer of your work. I'm not around too much at the moment, lots going on.

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