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Digital painting.

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Comment by Angela Ferri Posatiere on February 10, 2013 at 7:49pm

Thank you of your comments. I value your opinion and have read many of your reviews here in A2A. I look forward to posting more of my digital artworks. Often my works begin on paper and end up with digital layers.

The twins are clearly separate.... but connected on many levels.

Comment by Resident Curator on February 10, 2013 at 9:18am

Curator’s Comment:


Blue Twins is an interesting digital work- it has a strong textural presence that seems to be a carryover from traditional hand worked color wash/aqueous media.  The dual figures have nice striation and modulation of pale blue-green color within their silhouetted shapes, and the darker contrasting value of the background sets them apart visually.  I also like the thin sinewy lines that travel vertically through the center of the work’s axis and break out into the edges, as it charges the visual space with tension between the twins.  I enjoy that the figures are not exactly symmetrically opposed; the gestural shift in their poses creates interest, but also conceptually affirms they are paired individuals rather than reflections of each other.  This piece stands out for me in the grouping of images you have on the site, as it appears to merge your figurative strengths with the expressive drawing present in the simpler, graphic sketches.  In that later series, Quick Green Sketch holds my attention the longest, as the interplay between assertive directional line and analogous color relationships feeds back and forth between strength and subtly.

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