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oil painting

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Comment by Resident Curator on February 8, 2013 at 6:51pm

Curator’s Comment:


Musician has a beautiful saturation of deep jewel tones and stained glass compartmentalization of shape that I find very appealing.  The abstraction of figurative form is smooth and rhythmic, contrasting the square dynamic of the picture plane.   I see the profile of the musician as Chagall-like in its animated simplicity, imbuing the piece with an upbeat mood of serenity and instinctive contentment.  The off-center red circle adds a resolute punch of graphic contrast. Visually following the rounded contours of the paintings curvilinear lines, the circle alternately exhibits geometric design and choreographed placement.  I also like that lower chroma reds formally push out from that focal element, and dissolve into intersecting arcs and curves.  I think it’s interesting that some of your other pieces on the site move more towards graphic popular imagery, iconography, and text, as this strikes me as a very different sensibility and approach despite the overlap in color palette. Jump comes closest to marrying these different ways of approaching the subject, and crosses bold pictorial decision making with more elusive and evocative glazes of red and blue.

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