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Comment by Resident Curator on June 20, 2013 at 10:18am

Curator’s Comment:


I’m uncertain as how to read the most abstracted/non-objective images in your portfolio, but I’m engrossed by the sharp articulations of shape and color in My Cosmic Hat.  The sweeping movement has a tumultuous figure-ground relationship, as my eye keeps searching for an anchoring element in the painting and finds none.  The numerous smooth, modeled shapes suggest segmented insectoid forms, or mechanical/organic amalgamations geared towards robotic (warring) sci-fi hexapods.  But this may be completely off from your original intent. Formally, the shapes suggest a bursting almost volatile explosion, further contrasted by the hot and cool color temperature. This spatial incongruity is enhanced by the subtle suggestion of a landscape at the bottom edge of the picture plane.  I also particularly respond to the work entitled Troubled Times, though it has a much easier to comprehend content because of the decipherable figurative inclusions. The pillowy cloud forms that sculpt into the reclining female figure shadowed by a faintly ominous moon in the sky suggest she takes on the weight of the world.  The smaller male figure in the right hand corner is a vulnerable or powerless onlooker, though caught in the mood and narrative.  But the bottom graphic black and gray patterned surface is oddly contrasted and graphic.  It doesn’t seem to be in the same space as the ethereal figures.  Perhaps this is a reminder that things are ultimately not what they seem.

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