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Comment by Resident Curator on August 10, 2015 at 7:06pm

Curator’s Comments:


I love that these playfully animated drawings actually resolve to deride corruption in the current banking industry.  It is an unexpected twist of form and content, for me reminiscent of Keith Haring’s radiant babies criticizing the establishment and US governments delayed response to the AIDS epidemic. This (untitled? ) piece is particularly strong, as the red and black/white limited color palette punctuates a visual hierarchy of information and controls movement throughout the jam-packed composition.  The black bars and two large central figures dominate the pictorial space, and hold up against the heavy use of text, just as the smaller figure at the bottom right with outstretched arms recalls Picasso’s political abstraction of protest.   I’m intrigued by the manner in which the large figure seems to be gobbling up smaller people.  While not specifically identified as a “bankster”, the context implies the ultimate consumer.  Of course another reading could be the large figure is giving birth to many others like her, or at least to a voice to represent them, as they flow out of her open mouth.   The images of you working on these drawings help to visualize scale, but also ironically introduce a personal human/artist hand into a field of more anonymous and perhaps universally pervasive problem of financial fraud and human greed.

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