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Phoenix Rising

Hand Crafted From Pearl, Turquoise, Jasper, Onyx and Bone.

This Southwest inspired piece was originally a killer bee instead of a phoenix. The wings on both sides were much lower at an earlier stage. With tinkering I managed to raise the wings high enough to resemble a bee. Then suddenly I changed my mind and with a little bit of quick thinking, I added three tail feathers, a turquoise bead and a bone spear for the top section of the phoenix’ head. Then I used a symmetrical balance of pearls, turquoise, black onyx, and jasper to create the flaming body of this mythical creature. Just like its namesake this mask arose from the flames of a mask that wasn’t meant to be. From a bumble bee to a bird of truly mythical proportions Phoenix Rising is one of my earlier pieces, but still one of my favorites.

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