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Too much food. Guzzling beer. Eating candy. Licking ice cream. Shooting pinball. Spinning around on rides. Smoking joints. Petting Farm animals. Tongues meeting tongues. Pulling slot machines. And jerking heads in time to the music. It was an amazing night. Every August East Blueview Beach had its annual Festival and 5H Farm Show. It ran from Thursday through Saturday. Bobbi, Skolie, Dennis, Burt and Lara were psyched. They had gone every night and had a blast. Marvin had gone the first night but got into a fight at the corn dog stand. He had been drunk and was positive that the guy standing next to him spit in his beer, so he took a swing at him and wound up popping some women in the ear. State troopers had to break the ensuing fight. Marvin spent the night in jail and was told that if he tried to come back, he would be thrown out on his butt. He wound up having to do community service by picking up trash along the viaduct.

But he had to go back to the Festival.. Saturday night was the all out best. The Stenderd Rendered Band was headlining with The Tennessee Skies opening. They had such a good time that none of them could remember the full evening. Each one took a turn to remind the others what happened. They were all good friends. And even though Lara had lived with Skolie for about a year and was dating his cousin Marvin, everything was cool. These were the kind of times you look back on. They were sure glad Bobbi brought her camera and took pictures. Except when the photos came back from Del-Mart. Bobbi used the cheap camera her grandma gave her. This caused lots of red eye.

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