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Comment by Bob Adams on June 7, 2013 at 11:31am

The works are usually just two images, a 'found' photograph and a charcoal drawing. The drawing uses charcoal powder which is brushed on in thin layers and the tones built up.

The drawing is photographed and the two combined on Photoshop. The images carry latent narrative personal to the viewer and these can both complement and conflict with each other at different times for different people.

What is not apparent from the internet image is that in the gallery the images merge and replace each other as you approach or move away from the picture. The weight of each image depends on your position in relation to the picture. So the perspective is dependant on your position. For me the messages they carry are ambiguous which is my intention.

Comment by Resident Curator on June 7, 2013 at 10:23am

Curator’s Comment:


I’m attracted to these works, and am very curious about the medium /process employed.  The layering of what appear to be primarily observationally drawn portraits with photographic landscapes provides an interesting juxtaposition.   For me Alice 1 is the strongest and most provocative image in the grouping, as the distant stare of the woman works well with the labyrinthed background.  The sculpted maze of hedges intimates a psychologically confused state of mind, or the inner gears of a thought process.  The verdant green ground also delivers a visually appealing contrast to the delicate linear work.  Overall, the mood is mysterious and contemplative. I likewise find Catch 22 to be an engaging piece, but the layering of imagery somewhat complicates the mood or intent of the portrait.  The hazy image of the helicopter in the background to some degree blurs what might otherwise be an intense emotional stare in the figure.  Perhaps this piece references a war machine, in which case the value contrast could be more intense; the portrait even more diffused.

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