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Comment by Resident Curator on May 31, 2013 at 8:11pm

Curator’s Comments:


This Storybook piece appears quite different and distinctive from your other figurative works, but maintains an intriguing consonance between spatial delicacy and a tone of overriding darkness.  Instead of focusing our attention on a female figure, the face of the architecture compartmentalizes the picture plane into many small dark bits.  It strikes me as pictorial, but doesn’t insist on a primary or even secondary focal point.  The warm buff color of the background works very well with the smudgy black shadows.  The freshness of the unadulterated empty space also makes it seems as though light is emanating from within the interior of the space. Other pieces, such as Wish 2 have a very different handling of subject and form.  I see the multi-floating figures here as Chagall like in their buoyant intimacy. Looking closer at the image, I wonder if it’s a monotype, since the pigment seems to be worked reductively. The brushstrokes have a loose gestural openness that belies the more somber and possibly devout narrative.

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