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The Unconquered Seminole Indian

Hand Crafted from Sterling Silver, Crazy Lace Agate, Virginia Tree Seeds, Quartz, Shark’s Tooth, Garnet, Bone, Black Onyx, and Carved Jadeite

Wars of Removal, in the first half of the 19th century, the United States sent nine different commanders into East and West Florida and each of them saw immediately the independence of the Seminoles and the difficulties of making any kinds of treaties that would be binding upon the people. But what the United States government viewed as stubbornness, or deceitfulness, was the Seminole tradition of independence of thought and decision making. After 300 years they still knew who they were and that knowledge was their strength.
By 1842 when a frustrated President John Tyler ordered the end of military actions against the Seminoles over 20 million had been spent, 1500 American soldiers had died and still no formal peace treaty had been signed.
In the 2nd Seminole War 5000 Seminoles fight off the United States Army, Navy and Marines. About 3000 Natives were removed to Oklahoma reserve. The US spent over 40 million and finally quit fighting.
The Seminole Indians remained one of the only tribes that kept their independence, culture and traditions alive. Their brave history and ability to overcome adversity has catapulted these amazing people into the future, standing tall, proud, and most importantly FREE!

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