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oil on canvas-30/40-2011

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Comment by Tanya Karlova on March 1, 2012 at 2:00am

Hello Kristen. Thank you so much for adding me as a friend and taking the time to look over my work. I especially appreciate your detailed critque on my The Other Side painting. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but my English is limited so I had to read your comments a few times to fully understand and absorb it. Your opinion and feedback is very important to me as I want to expand my artistic abilities to my full potential. BTW, I have had a little help writing this up, but these are essentially my thoughts. Thank you so much. TTYS

Comment by Resident Curator on February 20, 2012 at 4:03pm

Curator’s Comment:


This is an inquisitive series of figurative works that share a certain academic detachment with a more detailed unanimated object of fixation.  The Other Side has a unexpected vulnerability, as the partially clad female figure is in between floating and falling.  There is indication of darker shadow towards the top of her torso, but the value contrast doesn’t appear incisive or sudden enough to suggest a physical edge or ground.  Her ambiguous spatial suspension is further enhanced by her reaching gesture, towards a highly articulated, folded drape. Proportionally her upper arms are also thin, as if her strength is sapped by the pose itself. But there’s also a modeled softness towards the human form that appears almost sensuous against the sharp contrast of her white undergarments (bathing suit?).   I also appreciate the smooth surfaces against the dramatic compositional diagonal made by the figure as she cuts across the picture plane.

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