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This is one of those time's when you either believe it, or chalk it up to nonsense. This picture was taken by an old friend of mine who was an art director at Young & Rubicam. She lived in Connecticut and decided that she would do some renovation to her house. After she finished she was taking some "after" pictures of the changes she made, and when she got her pictures back, this was the only one that had this fog in it.
What I, and several others see in this image is the upper torso and head of a native American indian with his arms outstreched and looking down and to his right. He has a mohawk haircut. Do you see it? Well, Drew did some research at the library and learned that back in the day, there had been a massacre of a local indian tribe. To go further, she sent the photo and negative to Kodak for analysis. They came back saying that whatever this was, it wasn't a light leak, smoke, or chemical reaction that caused the fog. It was definitely on the negative, and the only picture on the roll that had anything like this. The rest is up to you. I believe that this is a picture of a real ghost.

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