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Larry Richardson
  • Male
  • Valencia, CA
  • United States
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  • Candace Doub
  • Resident Curator
  • Laurel Sternberg
  • Martin Garcia
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Larry Richardson's Gallery

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Resident Curator commented on Larry Richardson's photo


"Curator's Comments:   On this fourth of July, I searched the site for works inspired by America. Freedom came up first, and confronts the viewer with the fraught and turbulent history of Black America. The poignant photos within the…"
Jul 4, 2020
Resident Curator liked Larry Richardson's photo
Jul 4, 2020

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Artist Statement

Larry Richardson


As an artist I have always express the beauty in our African heritage. My paintings are an extension of the classic form of figurative painting using people of color.

Most of My paintings make statements on culture and the human condition and others parallel classic statements made by artist of the past. “Venus of the Ivory Coast” is a good example. My challenges in creativity continue to evolve the reason for this is evident in the many events in time we live in and through.

The artist Emilo Cruze (1938-2004) has been cited as one of the important pioneers in modern and figurative art. His statement “Art that fails to articulate a liturgical mission is a purely decorative form of entertainment, construed to please by deception” is a constant reminder that I have a strong commitment as an artist to my culture, to my beliefs, and my sovereign self my inner core that which makes us whole.

The process of my paintings starts with many drawings. Most of these are complete in composition, feeling and disposition. The form and placement of the figure depends on the composition. These drawings or studies are important in my work. Most of the paintings are Acrylic on Canvas however I will use mixed media on canvas as well as other materials, Wood, Mylar and various types of paper.

My pallet of colors is more subdued not as strong and vibrant as some of the earlier works however what emerges is a pattern of color that is complementary to the composition. I still continue to explore the nude in figurative form and I am challenged by a new direction to introduce abstraction into the image and maintain an essential line of the figurative form.

Most literature on Black American Artist is approached as though it is a form of expression separate from the majority of art culture and galleries. This critical isolation in terms of art comes from classifying people and their culture by race. My objective is to heighten the awareness of those who view my art and stimulate thought and imagination.

The sovereign self is our inner core of creativity-that which defines our uniqueness and what we hold and protect as sacred as individuals and creative artist.

The beauty of the African Diaspora and its contributions are in many parts of the world my paintings emulate and expand on these events and the various conditions of life that face all mankind.




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