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Memories of a lot of sunny afternoons

Views: 72

Portfolios: Moments of Thought
Location: Minneapolis MN


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Comment by Joseph Giannetti on September 23, 2016 at 11:29pm
Thank you for the review on my painting. No it wasn't digital .I used a photograph that I had taken as reference, longer long story.
The origin of the idea for "moments of thought" comes from being left alone in the back seat of a car 1945-46? With my cousin Teresa. While my aunts went shopping. We would imagine all sorts of things and scare ourselves silly. I think I spent all of my childhood imagining things only to find out that some of the thoughts were true and the act of imagining is critical to a artist healthy life. It's about getting so into the idea of thought and visual images of those thoughts letting the imaginings guide you allowing the mind wander any where it pleases. It also was a departure an attempt to loosen up, trying not to plan so much.
Comment by Resident Curator on September 22, 2016 at 5:52pm

Curator’s Comments:


Moments of Thought is a heady, virtually hallucinogenic image with an intriguing contrast between visual domains.  Coming across the artwork in a fairly random search, I was struck by the distinct aesthetic present, which is radically divergent from the methodical complexity I appreciated in your mandala based Seven Levels of….some time ago. It took me a moment for the face to come into full view, having first been drawn into the densely textured ground.  The surface seems to be organically derived from a floral motif, or a microcosmic colony of layered and colorful rosettes and spheres.  While the media used to create the work isn’t indicated, the blurred photographic quality of the embedded face suggests digital manipulation. I’m struck by the marrying of these two distinct elements in the piece- the portrait seems to draw in color and shape from the colorful shapes swimming around her.  The deep red hue of her lips for example, echoes the shape and color within the abstraction, while the whiteness of her lower features offers visual rest from the composition’s activity. Her downcast eyes ultimately impart a meditative quality to the piece.  The viewer could also interpret her as the tranquil anchor in a considerably more irrational landscape. 

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