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I am new to the world of visual arts. I would not call myself a "fine" artist, yet.  I am intrigued with how things tend to fall together, how things are synchronous. As I have begun this path of drawing and painting I am always amazed at what lies at my feet.  This is acrylic paint, Ultramarine Blue that is laid on 146lb paper. I then  "splatter" water and strip the paint away with a dry brush.  Some call this "reverse stippling."  One day I ran into a construction worker with these little discs in his truck.  "What are they?" I ask.  "Trash" He says.  Not to me.  How amazingly synchronous that his trash discs look exactly like planets! Shazaam!  My painting is now inclusive of reclaimed metal. I think if I can get these down to the University I live near, you know those kids and their "expanding" minds, I might could make a buck$.  But, what do you think? 

Nice combination of materials. Are you going to continue exploring this direction? I think it's interesting.

You're kidding about potential buyers at the local college, right?


I know  in my own work that chance and serendipity play a good part. I never cease to explore the marks tools make and what reactions (chemical and visual) my materials have with one another. You have a good eye for that, it seems. I think seeing patterns and interesting combinations of things is essential. Try moving another step and open  up the story, narrative, exploration a little more for us. I love mystery and ambiguity but more "information" would bring more than just a passing glance at your work. Regards

Thanks to each of you for looking and commenting! I wasn't sure if anyone would.  L - I do like the technique but wonder if it is too gimicky. As for the college crowd - I note it because, well in my day, we would have called it "trippy."  T- I will continue to be present in my surroundings to watch for those odd moments of sycnchronicity.  Thanks to each of you.

It's quick, clever, and effective.  I'd call it a success.


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