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“The same as any other night" muttered Hank. Different place, but a lot of the same crowd. Hank approached the evening with a positive attitude...think like a champ and you get a champs rewards. Told by a sales assistant that orange would highlight the many angles of his cheekbones ...he wore his new sweater. Hank however did not put up a champ's fight. Lloyd. Hank was intimidated by Lloyd. Lloyd had social skills that Hank could only act out in his dreams. Confident, gregarious, no strong opinions and most importantly the ability to be smarmy without being obnoxious. Lloyd was holding court. An attractive blonde named Corinne was running her fingers through his head trying to play with his mind. Lloyd was so cool; he gave her just enough to keep her interested. He joked about this to Gretchen who let out a screeching laugh. Hank tried to think of something to say but was drawing blanks. His head was spinning. Should he talk about the election?, the recent mudslides?, would anyone care about his promotion?, should he tell a joke? Too much pressure. It seemed more and more in the crowd was being drawn to Lloyd and his charisma. Hank could only stare into his mug, weep and think if orange really was his color.

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Comment by Scott Lewis on March 14, 2012 at 4:15pm
Very kind of you. Gracias.
Comment by Resident Curator on March 14, 2012 at 2:50pm

Curator’s Comment:


The intensity of such I have never seen before!  I realize this was posted quite some time ago- I came across it searching for another work by title, and now I can’t take my eyes off of it.  The accompanying textual narrative adds a sardonic edge to the already questionable derisive nature of the work.  The explosive color scheme and active relationship of shapes to pattern almost overtake the abstracted imagery.  I see an inherent violence to the competing jagged figures in the picture plane, though the viewer can make out a crowded table in the foreground of seated figures in a bar.  The writhing lines and patterns within each of the characters break into shards of intense color.  It’s almost like a mosaic becoming destabilized, threatening to destroy the integrity of its own form.  Amazingly, this concentrated energy seems to be sustained through a larger body of work.  While some offer small respites through relatively calmer space, I actually prefer the works such as Hank, and Ruth and Baxter, which arrest the viewer through unrelenting sensory engagement.

Comment by Scott Lewis on April 8, 2009 at 8:34am
Why thank you very much An'Angelia! Reading your email is a great way to start the day! I'll be loading up more images in the coming weeks...with even longer story titles.
Comment by An'Angelia Thompson on April 7, 2009 at 11:35pm
I love this painting! Your rich color and texture vibrate around the canvas with excitement. Your description is priceless. I can't wait to see more from you!

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