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Fleeting (gallery photo of phase 2) - fleeting is an ongoing series of vessels made of salvaged wood and metal. Each vessel is inhabited by a little persona made of unfired clay. In phase one of the exhibition, people write thoughts for the little figures on helium balloons. Phase two: The thought-balloons deflated. Phase three: The balloons were replaced with more permanent sailing structures.

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Comment by Resident Curator on February 20, 2012 at 7:13pm

Curator’s Comment:  



Wonderful installation- the physical, corporeal lightness of the forms engages and affirms the light disposition of the piece’s theatrical foundation. The bleached out human forms present as delicate ghosts, or vestiges of former individuals.  By stripping away specific identity they can involve the viewer on multiple levels.  I also find the precarious nature of the pedestal structures themselves add to the vulnerability of thought. I suggest this as the interactions described in the accompanying text seem to encourage private, unspoken wishes or ideas. To that end, I actually prefer the balloons as a vehicle for connection with the audience to the more familiarized boat, or archetypal vessel. The balloons are transient and ephemeral.   I would be very interested in seeing this piece in person, or knowing dimensions, as it’s somewhat difficult to tell from the image how they stack up against the viewer in the space. The detail images of Fleeting reveal nuanced gestures, and delicate handling of the features.  The way the figures physically connect with the base also constructs lucid and eloquent psychological associations.

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