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Techline Seires

To explain my work I would first have to give a brief description of the style of my work. I work in multiple disciplines yet all of my work is cartoon inspired. I have always had a love for cartoons like most kids I watched them religiously, being a child at heart I really never lost my love for these imaginative worlds. I find something addictive about a realm where the laws of our world don't exist, a place where you can fall off of a cliff make a large hole in the ground and walk away. This style has always made itself present in my work but it wasn’t until I pushed it as far as I could that the work really started coming to life. I don't think art has to be serious, that is the reason that I wanted to make work that falls into this animated world of cartoons that inspire me. Its at the same time a stance against the idea that art has to be something profound.

The series it self is called the Techline series which is a ongoing series that I started over a year ago. The idea behind the work is to take every day technology and create a time line for it showing how we developed the technology we have today and how we got here. The idea came to me as I started getting older I watched as people my age began to rely more and more on modern day technology. It always made me think back to when I was a kid growing up in the early 90's when technology was nothing like what we have today. Thinking of older technology always reminds me of my childhood and always brings a certain nostalgia along with it. In the beginning of the series I was working with sculpture specifically creating work in twos that only created a time line from what I had when I was young compared to now. Since then the series has developed into time lines made in the form of paintings and prints along with sculpture which go beyond my time to the beginning of a specific technology all the way up to modern day. 

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