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ANCESTOR HORSE Edward Gonzales 60x48 inches acrylic on canvas 2020

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Comment by Resident Curator on June 15, 2023 at 2:40pm



Curator’s Comments:

I was delighted to rediscover this painting, Ancestor Horse, today.  Posted in 2020, it just came to my attention in a random selection of works on the site. I appreciate the densely built up color, and quick transitions from creamy yellow to deeper cobalt. The small figure of the child merges with her horse in intimate proximity and connection.  The positioning of the blue shadow in the patch of ground underneath them echoes the deep blue sky but functions visually as a small island.  They are thus separate from, as well as connected to the landscape.  Looking back through your other works I appreciate the strong sense of place.  The color and light recall the American Southwest, and the human and animal bonds depicted suggest rich familial and cultural traditions.  Thank you for sharing this stirring and meaningful work with us.

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