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20"x26", oil on paper

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Comment by Magdalena Cooney on February 27, 2014 at 10:44pm


Comment by Resident Curator on February 26, 2014 at 8:26pm

Curator’s Comments: 

(disclaimer: David Moss is a friend and occasional colleague.)

I’m very happy to see your work on the site. The words you use to describe your painting process and resulting image such as transient, sensual, and ambiguous glide around what is visibly intangible, and may be impossible to articulate.  The non-objective nature of the primarily organic image is rich with overlapping color and scribbled gesture.  I have long admired the gorgeously morose black entanglement often found within your painting- like fluid knots in the psyche that work themselves between memory and form. There is persistence to them, if not in formal repetition, in assertion within a more delicate open field of pale color. The title Gossamer Buoy represents this dichotomous tension between dark and light.  The semi-transparent blue object pulled from slivers of negative space on the left is decidedly heart-like; a human vessel or organ containing light and life.  Against an inky mass of overlapping drawing, I see what appears to be a buildup of energy, tumbling over it and ultimately canceling itself out in the bottom of the space. I hesitate to say I see an ugliness as well as exquisite beauty, but perhaps this is the instinctive strength of the juxtaposition.  The painting entitled Undercurrent is considerably lighter in terms of compositional value as well as general mood.  The small recurring oval motif inserts an interesting pattern, echoing swirling natural movement or migration of microcosmic entities.  I enjoy the deep jeweled blue tones, and the way they fade into softer, more transparent versions of themselves. These are paintings tug at the raw human need for mark making and are brusquely transcendent.  I look forward to seeing them in person in your show in Phoenixville next month.

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