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Beads Frozen In Ice

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Comment by William Wood III on October 14, 2014 at 2:29pm

these are beads from an embroidery project that i froze in ice and photographed.  they were bought at an art store, not made by me.

Comment by William Wood III on July 5, 2014 at 8:28am

Thank-you for the critique.  It is nice to hear about both organic and organic frozen groupings.  They are part of a series that I have been working on for several years now.

Comment by Resident Curator on June 18, 2014 at 9:13pm

Curator’s Comments:


What is clearly identified as frozen inorganic elements in ice alternately reads visually as an elegant non-objective artwork when viewed holistically. For me the greater density of geometric pieces along the edges and diagonal corners of the picture open up in the center to form a white playing field rather than true negative space.  This sense of play is heightened by the contrast between the circular beads and longer tubular shapes of the wires.  While there is an obvious randomness to their arrangement, there is simultaneously a possible stratagem in their frozen placement. I also enjoy the relationships between saturation of color and chromatic neutrals.  The icy and encapsulated flowers hold quite a different feeling, as their subject matter and arrested condition remains apparent.  Tulips is perhaps the most dramatic in this grouping, as the crimson petals appear to bleed into a pale blue watercolor stream.  The emptiness of this white background is more bleak and stark by comparison to the earlier piece.  With it brings conceptual associations of premature death and exquisitely captured natural beauty.

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