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charlotte photographer cgi 3d sean busher imagery 001

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Comment by Resident Curator on May 30, 2013 at 3:39pm

Curator’s Comments:


This expansive portfolio has a variety of dynamic figurative works and surreal landscapes, but I’m most attracted to this quieter image of a house.  The luminous light green exterior (Tyvek?) gives the structure an ethereal or dreamlike aura, which is enhanced by the stilted leg supports.  In some ways the house takes on a figurative force, separate and cut out from the deep blue and stormy sky. The perceived hollow of the building points to the construction process, but also connotes a certain corporeal vulnerability.  The landscape is approaching an ominous mood, but the clearing of the wooded (or tropical palm tree filled) lot provides a calm visual rest in the center of the stirring space. I find it interesting that these common building materials can also imbue the architecture with a flatter appearance, perhaps because of the plasticity of the surface reflecting light in a different manner than natural surfaces. Or the hard edged division of objects could result from the process of the 3-d animation; I’m unclear if the software determines some of these visual effects.  But either way, I prefer the houses without the extraordinary embellishment or more dramatic physical deconstruction, as the ambiguity of what I’m seeing holds my attention the longest.  The piece of the translucent ice pop on a blue ground is also engaging for a similar reason.  There is a perceived innate lusciousness to the object, but it doesn’t extend beyond the realm of possibility.  And because it’s in easy reach, it easily becomes an object of desire.


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