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Comment by Angela Ferri Posatiere on June 15, 2012 at 5:16pm

super natural.

super cool.

Comment by Dan McCormack on June 8, 2012 at 10:01pm

Thank you for your considered words. Yes, psychological issues and visual issues are important to me.

Comment by Resident Curator on June 8, 2012 at 9:38pm

Curator’s Comment:


Thank you for sharing so much of your portraiture and pinhole work, and inviting comment.  My initial reaction is that each piece offers complex spatial and reflective psychological relationships.  While I very much like what I see, I’m also confident I would glean more by looking longer.  I do surmise an interesting and immediate self consciousness in some of your models expressions- not in a particular model, but more of a recurring anticipatory look that could stem from encroachment in the close interior environments.  The languid recline of Delilah (in Delilah_W_4-29-12—12AB) exhibits this reticent gaze.  I see the overall image as voyeuristic in the sense she could be perceived as an available Odalisque in the canon of similar photography, but there is also an expression of resistance in her expression, as well as the averted direction in the lower section of her body, and right edge of the picture plane.  More natural space moves back and away from the viewer, while she literally turns her body back into the space at the same time she provocatively cradles the back of her head.  This challenges my perception of her availability.  But on a purely aesthetic level, I am very attracted to the subtle luminescence or polarization in many of the figures. Perhaps the otherworldly quality is most evident with the figures in some of the natural landscapes (for instance Vera_V_6-02-12—12AB).  This image is quiet captivating because of the sensation the model is unaware of the viewer’s presence.  The dreamy abstract distortion suggests the human subject is in a state of flux, while the environment remains comparatively unchanged.  I appreciate that the subjects are texturally treated differently, and yet also seem to be of the same sheer color, or ilk.  

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