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I wondered if I had just seen what I saw, or if it was Aimy. But I saw the sky dim to dark violet. I began to run to the shallow woods, in hopes that I would find Lily in the field. Suddenly I began to see something beautiful on the outskirts. The bright thread of dusk rippled through the field, in a direction contrary to the wind I felt in the woods. I watched them, following the ripples until my eye caught a figure, standing on a hill in the large, glowing plain. I recognized those big, brown ears in an instance. There was nervousness, but a comfort as I walked through the field. I felt the warm, powerful winds dragging into the brushy grasses, and saw Lily closely. She stood atop a hill, eyes tightly closed with a foot in the air. In front of her was a dead tree, stray on the hill. She had changed back into her casual clothing, just brown shorts and her beige shirt.
I was careful not to disturb her, but she noticed me and smiled.
-The Agris Terra, by Andrew Schlageter

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