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Chapter 6: In Smoke and Dragons

As Dusty and Rhysh walked through the forest, Dusty slowly turned to Rhysh with a puzzled look and asked “Rhysh why don't any of the dwarves use swords? In all of the stories they have axes, spears and bows, but never swords.” Rhysh stared off into space for a time before answering, keeping his eyes in front of him he began to speak. “Long ago in the age of Shadows, came a creature of great power. Out of the darkness this demon made three Rune Stones. These stones were of an evil kind and had the abilty to control dragons. The demon gave one to the Humans of Nathrune, one to the dark Elves in Theras, and the last to the Orcak clan in the Deserts of the Wind.” “Orcak?” Dusty said with a puzzled twist of his lips, Rhysh's eyes drifted down and began "The Orcak are a fearsome people with red skin, horns curling up from their faces they look more like lizard men than anything else. They crave destruction and kill for pleasure, but they have not been seen since the end of the age of Shadows. It was the hate that these three people had for each other that began the dragon war. The war dragged the whole world down with it and at the time the dwarfs never lifted a finger to fight. We were peaceful people who kept to ourselves in our mines and we lived in peace. The wars dragged us into helping our allies, the humans of Marad who taught us the ways of war and perfected our knowledge of metals to build great yet deadly weapons. It was years of war and blood before the Rune Stones were destroyed. The dwarf people became great warriors, but the loss of life among us was so great that we desiced we would never touch any weapon of war again. This is why we only have tools not weapons. An axe can cut wood, a bow and spear can be used to hunt, but a sword is only meant for killing and so it remains today.” There was quite a bit of time after Rhysh finished and then the smell of smoke and something cooking drifted from the woods ahead, Rhysh called a halt and muttered Goblins.

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