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charcoal-graphite drawing 24" x 36"

Views: 40


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Comment by William Jeffery Vance on December 14, 2011 at 1:52am

Well done. Very sharp edges but done in a way that it actually makes is look silky while still able to p**** your hand and bring blood. 

Comment by Resident Curator on September 29, 2011 at 7:52pm

Curator’s Comments:


These plant based drawings are quite strong, but I’m most interested in Gargoyle Web because of the thicker darker stalks, which provide a rhythmic pause from the more delicate tendrils emanating from the form.  The central core being slightly off center moves my eye into the right center, with the open space. Elongated ribbed thorns (spines?) protrude from the leaf, whereas the appendages appear like small rows of teeth on the bottom and center.  The tangled web of positive and negative space in the center of the plant creates a more abstract pattern; a drawing within a drawing.  I’m curious if you use photographic reference or work from observation, as there is a stylized silkiness that disguises the artist’s hand. The softened shadows also diffuse the light source. While the overlapping leaves do create faint cast shadows, the tips seem to lighten, as if reaching out from a darkened internal space. While the subject is representational, it also appears threatening as the leaves unfold up and outwards, above my point of view.

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