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Pen & Ink drawing.

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Comment by Resident Curator on October 19, 2012 at 8:19pm

Curator’s Comment:  


The black and white pen and ink drawings you’ve included in your portfolio are powerful in their organic movement and twisting, changing forms.  Transition or transformation seems to be an overriding concern in the abstracted figurative relationships. In Innervision2 for example, the faces appear mask-like and smoothly stylized.  The closed eyes suggest inward sight, while the adjacent, decorative eye motif is emblematic of spiritual revelation.   I like the irregular, scalloped edges of the piece as a whole, which supports the concept that thoughts are always in flux.  Alternately, it could be depicting a trance-like state, between dreaming and awake.  While color is obviously a very strong element in your paintings, for me the starker drawings tap into a fundamental essence of form and line that doesn’t need further embellishment or description.


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