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Comment by Resident Curator on June 23, 2012 at 9:57am

Curator’s Comment:


I’m intrigued by this tableau type format for your tile work, creating a small iconic theater in fixed mosaic.  While I recognize the aesthetic value of the other images attesting to domestic and decorative applications of your imagery, this piece has a standalone presence that holds the viewer in contemplation of the full surround. The work actually seems to contain several vignettes, somewhat unrelated by form, but intertwined by narrative content. Multiple sets of steps lead me into the space, which then flattens back into the embellished surface of the tesserae tile. The portraits on the right appear as vestiges of the full figures emerging from the central doorway, engaged in various activities of sport and leisure. While I can’t quite make out the text above the doorframes (academy? ) heralded by angels or heralding muses, the arched tiles  softens the hard lines and connects the figures .  I like the irregularity of the top of the relief as well, as it suggests a crowned roof, but then breaks apart by the Romanesque fountain and leaping fish!  Even with the abundance of disparate architectural inclusions set at opposing angles, the piece remains fluid and organic.

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