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Comment by Resident Curator on April 24, 2012 at 1:22pm

Curator’s Comment:


I appreciate the acute stillness of this painting. It hints at a lush landscape just beyond the water’s edge, with the horizon at a slight slant to impart a feeling of a slowly moving current.  The incredibly pale water reflects an only slightly more blue sky, further conjuring a pale stoicism to the scene.  The softened low chroma greens in the more distant tree line push back atmospherically, overlapped by more fertile but no more hospitable shrubbery and trees.  I don’t live too far from North Lake in Luzerne County, but the beauty of the image is that it evokes memories of other deep waters in other places, including my childhood home in upstate New York’s Finger Lakes.  Blue Lake Kalkaska City is another strong, picturesque landscape but by contrast it offers more jubilant color in the pink marshly foreground and reflective middle water. The quiet space is still held in the center, lulling the viewer into a quiet reprieve from warm tonalities and texture.

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