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Soylent Green is an oil painting on canvas that is 72x84. It was informed by the figure.

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Comment by Resident Curator on January 17, 2013 at 11:27am

Curator’s Comment:


The human presence of the figure is very strong in this piece.  The left vertical swath of pink and low chroma lavender creates a beautiful fleshy aura.  The slight diagonal placement of the figure extending off of this loose panel creates tension in the otherwise reclining horizontal motion. I’m sure the large scale accentuates the feeling of suspended bodily weight.  The hatched texture created particularly in the bottom section suggests erosion or decay when combined with the murky greens and browns. The title of course plays into the viewers’ contemplation of the human body/cadaver as flesh.  One Crack, Two Bam appears to be a more energetic, uplifting version of the preceding piece, with its more saturated hues and gestural brushstrokes. The larger overlapping shapes lend some transparency to the otherwise opaque paint surface. Again, I imagine seeing this piece in person would impart a greater sense of monumentality, and presence of arrested corporeal form.

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