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Disco Night - 48x60 diptychoil on canvas

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Comment by Resident Curator on June 15, 2012 at 10:36pm

Curator’s Comment:


I also see the Joan Mitchell reference; the tumbling compositional configuration seems to be about suspended energy as much as about the process itself of gestural mark making. The large scale no doubt intensifies the emotional impact of the tactile, erratic brushstrokes.  The thin streaks of wash/solvent appear as accidental webbing between the confident, bolder lines and choppy shapes.  The color choices add an interesting dissonance.  Not quite primary, they nonetheless exert self assurance without any harshness or garishness of chroma.  Perhaps the slightly scaled down intensity still registers as a core fundamental palette, but with more complex undertones. The formal structure and thin separation of the diptych panels also contributes to the building tension of the piece.  For this reason I also particularly respond to the triptych entitled Colette. But the later work, while equally dynamic, offers softer yellows and curvilinear marks.  The organic sensibility begins to suggest landscape, but the amplified visual weight in the top section prohibits any sense of languid rest or relationship to a known horizon.

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