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Ink and paint on paper

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Comment by Dee Shapiro on July 8, 2013 at 8:26am

Dear Curator,

Thanks so much for your extensive comment on my piece. It was inclusive and insightful and very much appreciated. I took the title from T.S. Eliot. "What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from." Thanks for your diligence and good work. I'm glad I found this site. Dee

Comment by Resident Curator on July 5, 2013 at 8:43pm

Curator’s Comments:


The Beginning is the End is a wondrous organic abstraction, alluding to the cyclic phenomenon of creation itself. The rainbow banded phalluses appear to swim gently through the other shapes which in turn allude to eggs and sperm, leaves and fruit.  I like that they generate circular movement, but are more elongated within the picture plane, so that the visual transitions slow down along a less predictable path. The centralized orange fertilized egg becomes a brightly fixed focal point, and offers the only perfect circle in the composition.  I see it as an oculus of sorts, stable and unwavering despite the lack of physically connecting ground. The white negative space between the suspended objects provides amble visual rest, while linking the various active reproductive entities.  I do find the title of the piece somewhat perplexing. There’s an ominous insinuation, as if the process of fertilization has an autonomous and possibly malevolent modus operandi. But the work remains visually charismatic and quite pleasant.  In my mind the colors initially conjure pieces of strange and unfamiliar candy. I do hope you post more of your work on the site; I’d hate to think the beginning is actually the end.

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