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the Dalaï-Lama as seen on tv - acrylic on canvas 60"X48"

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Comment by Pierre Desrochers on August 15, 2015 at 1:18am

Dear Kristen, I really appreciate your closely made observations on my works. It makes me feel as if I couldn't hide any of my conscious or unconscious pictorial codes and I'm very grateful for the interest showed.

Comment by Resident Curator on August 8, 2015 at 9:39am

Curator’s Comments:   


The Dali Lama as Seen on TV is a genius use of design technique to relay content.  I had previously admired your other works that utilize geometric grid compartmentalization/pixilation as they communicated formal ideas about representation and painting.  But the relationship between an iconic living personality and the interruption of the image through television viewing adds another layer to the body of work. While younger viewers may not fully appreciate the visual reference to static bars, the pervasiveness, and ubiquitous of the visual error in earlier television viewing made it slide by virtually unseen if not disregarded as an inherent aspect of the media.  The visual richness of this current image partially arises from the manipulation of the multicolored painted lines.  I also see a Pop sensibility in the piece aesthetically, and enjoy the bold graphic quality of the closely cropped face.  That the Dali Lama himself may be seen as running symbolically if not spiritually counter to the commercialism embraced by pop and tv injects irony and humor into the piece.

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