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Acrylic on canvas, 22 x 30

Views: 97

Portfolios: Living with lymes
Location: rochester, NY


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Comment by Resident Curator on May 3, 2012 at 11:59am

Curator’s Comment:


I personally find The Eyes Have It as well as your series of outsized eyeball paintings fantastically seductive in color and texture, but equally disturbing in subject/context.  While formally it can be difficult to draw emphasis away from such a strong focal point, the ropey and veined lines connecting the eye to the syringes create pooling areas of visual interest.  The eye itself delights in saturated blue-greens and yellow ochre.  It’s evocative of the earth itself, or a prized marble.  Even the downward pulling lid with scraggly lashes envelops the center with pink and purplish liquidity. I see the spiraled circular shape just below the eye as a secondary oculus- hypnotic in its centrally positioned spiral.  The symmetry is also suggestive of a stacked totem, or iconic reliquary.  While treated as precious, the secular subject is far from the sacrosanct or revered.


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